2013 was “The Year of Social Media”, according to many media watchers.
The Huffington Post featured a recent article that shared a look back at 2013’s social media influence. Here are some of the key take-aways:
2013 Trends:
1. Social media continued to grow:
There were times when social media’s impact and reporting surpassed traditional media. Social media trumped traditional media most often in reporting and capturing audience on cultural topics, and more advertisers got on board as well.
2. Social media jumped in mobile:
More mobile users accessed social media than ever. “About half of the global web users use a mobile device as a primary or singular method to go online,” said Henry Bramwell, President of Visionary Graphics + Marketing.
3. Young people left Facebook in favor of Instagram, SnapChat, and Tumblr:
No surprise there, but the article also predicts that the exodus will turn in favor of Facebook in 2014.
4. Ads took on a more prominent profile in social networking feeds:
Facebook and Instagram were among these – and advertising was reported to have been very effective. “Our clients are increasingly reporting interest and results from advertising on social networks,” stated Bramwell.
5. Photos were the predominant social share:
Instagram and Pinterest became increasingly important as engagement vehicles. “Pinterest is really exploding for some of our clients,” Bramwell agreed. “We are seeing more clients finding ways to engage clients with visually compelling images.”
6. Google+ expanded and added some cool features drawing some more brands to experiment with the platform:
“Google Plus hasn’t hit its stride yet, but it’s getting there,” declared Bramwell. “Google’s influence is huge, and Google Plus is a big part of that equation.”
For the complete article and for predictions for 2014, click here
Photo credit: Shutterstock
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